Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ask Yourself...

Ask Yourself...

· Are you tired of Compensation Plans that reward an elite few at the expense of many?

· Do you identify with the dream and power of networking, but have never found a vehicle to make it a reality?

· Are you tired of seeing the same " Me Too" products in every company you look at...or worse, in the local grocery store?

· Do you dream of being with a company with a clear focus, mission and the dedication to do even the little things right?

If you relate to any of the above questions, you will find the Opportunity a breath of fresh air.

How It Works!

As soon as you make a decision to build a business
Order your Starter Kit

Distributor Kit Contents

Independent Product Consultant Kit/Starter Kit
Starter Kit $35US now includes the items listed below:

· TAHITIAN NONI® Success Prospectus: A beautiful 36-page book to unveil Tahitian Noni International's success during our five years in business

· Current Consumer Direct Catalog

· Current campaign book

· DVD of the TAHITIAN NONI® Success Prospectus: Includes six videos to inspire and further train Independent Product Consultants

· Business-Builder Plus CD-ROM: Includes activities for building your catalog mailing list and a multiplication model calculator · Pure Destiny II audiotape with Dr. Ralph Heinicke on side B

· A beautiful, professional business bag

· A custom portfolio to carry all your Tahitian Noni International business tools

· Independent Product Consultant Applications

· Product Order Forms


· Sign up on the Case Auto-Ship Program

· You immediately qualify for 5 maximized levels of Royalties.

· You qualify to begin to earn immediate income with Tahitian Noni International's Fast Bonus Program

· You qualify to purchase TAHITIAN NONI® juice at wholesale.

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What are your dreams?

Earn enough to help balance the monthly budget.
Develop an income that will provide fnancial security.
Enjoy a lifestyle that others only dream about.

Fast Start Weekly Bonus Program Pays maximum payout on all new volume. No limits!

  • Earn maximum payout on all new volume within five levels—FOREVER!
  • 20% Personal Rebate on all Personal Volume over $120/month
  • No restrictions on time or amount
  • Weekly checks

Dynamic Compression

Maximizes pay commissions at all levels. This feature compresses all volume from infinity to ensure the maximum is paid out on every level on all volume.

  • The computer searches upline to distribute 45% among qualified Independent Product Consultants
  • 11% paid to three levels of Independent Product Consultants
  • 34% paid to qualified upline Independent Product Consultants

Bonus Pools

Share a piece of the entire company’s sales—not just from your own organization.

Placement Feature

Allows you to build your organization to maximize your income.

Weekly Checks

Independent Product Consultants receive weekly financial rewards for their work.

Personal Rebate

Earn 20% of all Personal Volume over $120 per month.

Noni Line Break

Case Auto Ship

case autoship
Case Auto Ship (CAS) is a requirement to meet your qualifications to receive most commissions, all bonuses, and certain other benefits. When you participate in the CAS program, you are recognized as an "active" Independent Product Consultant. If you are not CAS qualified, most marketing plan benefits will not be available to you.

Case Auto Ship means that you personally purchase a certain minimum amount of product each calendar month. This amount is known as your minimum "personal volume" (PV). At the currently time, the CAS requirement is one case (four bottles) of product, or an equivalent amount of other Tahitian Noni International products. Even if you buy one case a month, you must still be formally enrolled in the CAS program in order for your purchase to satisfy the CAS requirement.

You should sign up for the CAS program at the time you become a Independent Product Consultant. In countries where credit cards and/or electronic checking is available, you will need to give your credit card number or send a copy of an authorization for an electronic checking account debit each month. This form of payment is kept on file and charged for your "auto shipment" each month. In countries where actual shipment does not happen automatically (new markets), then you will need to call and order your product before a certain date each month in order to get credit for your CAS qualification. In some countries where credit cards are not widely use, you may need to pay for your CAS purchase well in advance in cash or cashiers check.

CAS qualifications are very important in affecting how commissions and bonuses are paid. Not only is it important for you to be on CAS, but it is also important for those below you in your organization to be on CAS. Whether or not someone below you is on CAS can affect your own commissions.

Added Benefits

Because there is a minimum personal volume requirement (the equivalent of one case a month) to qualify for commissions and bonuses, the CAS program is a protection for you so that you do not lose your earned commissions. For example, if you were traveling or ill and forgot to make your minimum purchase during the month, you would not receive a commission check; or, your check might be drastically reduced in amount. You might lose hundreds or thousands of dollars through such an oversight. The CAS program protects you against this eventuality. In the CAS program, if you have not made your minimum purchase by a certain date each month, your case will be automatically purchased for you. Your credit card or other form of payment will be automatically charged and your product will be shipped.

By making sure that everyone in your organization in on CAS, you will also greatly improve the profitability of your business. First, because your Independent Product Consultants are on CAS, they will be more committed to the business. Second, they will make more bonuses and commissions and will be more likely to stay in the program. Third, your group sales volumes will be higher because the purchase decision will be automatic each month. With CAS, it's already set up and taken care of . There's no inconvenience or hassle to order product. It's all done automatically. It's great.

A Independent Product Consultant who is not on CAS can sign up at any time by using the CAS Enrollment Form in the Independent Product Consultant Manual (found in your Starter Kit).

There is no long-term requirement to stay on CAS. It goes from month to month. A Independent Product Consultant is free to cancel participation in the CAS program at any time.

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Fast Start Weekly Income Program

20% Earn 20% of all volume for the first 60 days from your personally sponsored Independent Product Consultants-- Paid weekly
5% Earn 5% of all volume for the first 60 days from Independent Product Consultants on your 2nd personal sponsor level-- Paid weekly
5% Earn 5% of all volume for the first 60 days from Independent Product Consultants on your 3rd personal sponsor level-- Paid weekly
5% Earn 5% of all volume for the first 60 days from Independent Product Consultants on your 4th personal sponsor level-- Paid weekly
10% Earn 10% of all volume for the first 60 days from Independent Product Consultants on your 5th personal sponsor level-- Paid weekly
Your personal requirement never exceeds $120.00 per month.

This bonus is called Tahitian Noni International's Fast Start Bonus and it is PAID WEEKLY! This bonus is equivalent to the maximum royalty amount on all 8 levels.

This allows a new Independent Product Consultant to benefit from the maximum payout from the very beginning! It is truly a Fast Start to building a sizable income with Tahitian Noni International.

The Bonus is paid weekly on all volume within five generations from brand new Independent Product Consultants during their first two months in the business.

Qualifications is simple: You simply must be a participant in the Auto Ship Program for at least one case of product per month. This qualifies you for the full benefit of the Fast Start Bonus Program.

If you choose not to participate in the Case Auto Ship Program all volume generated by you personally will earn royalties from the Unilevel Plan from the beginning. So very simply--you choose your plan.

Plan A: Qualify for the Fast Start Weekly Bonus Plan by participating in the Case AutoShip Program. This allows you to maximize your earning from the beginning.

Plan B: Choose not to participate in the Auto Ship Program and receive royalties based on the Unilevel Payout from the beginning.

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Do you have questions about how you can become an IPC for TNI? Do you want to register?
Simply access the page choose the language and country, link access opportunities click on the image click here to sign up now, complete the required data (including previous purchase plan that is: give your consent for the monthly purchase of products worth 120 points).

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