Saturday, April 4, 2009

Tahitian Noni International's History

History of Tahitian Noni International Inc.

Tahitian Noni International (TNI) is dedicated to improving the lives of their customers by producing the most innovative, highest-quality noni-based products possible. They opened our doors for business in July 1996 with a single product—TAHITIAN NONI® Juice. They knew the health benefits of noni were powerful, but nothing could have prepared them for the explosive growth that followed.

The effectiveness of TAHITIAN NONI products has led to incredible growth and expansion. Their first year’s sales totaled well over $6 million; now, over 11 years later, their yearly sales exceed
over $500 million. Tahitian Noni International does business in over 87 countries and has a wide offering of noni-based products. They also become a Fourth Fastest Growing Company in History “There are fewer than five companies worldwide in modern history, public or private, that rival the hyper-growth of Tahitian Noni International.” Reported by: Dr. Scott Baird, CEO Griffin Hill Consulting. . They have adopted the heritage of Tahiti as their own and do all they can to preserve the purity of her lands and people. The Tahitians are their full partners in bringing the benefits of noni to the world, and their economy has benefited tremendously from the jobs and growth the noni fruit has produced.

History of Tahitian Noni International

In 1993, food scientists John Wadsworth and Stephen Story discovered Noni fruit when they traveled to the island of Tahiti on their personal vacation. At that time, very few knew about this miraculous fruit called Noni. They studied and researched the noni fruit for three years, then successfully developed the proprietary formulation of the TAHITIAN NONI® Juice. The process includes harvesting, processing, and bottling the TAHITIAN NONI® Juice without sacrificing its critical natural elements.

In July of 1996, they introduced TAHITIAN NONI® Juice to the United States. This is the first time noni juice is marketed on a large scale in US. So, Tahitian Noni International is the history of Noni juice in US.

For people who are not raised around Noni , it has a slightly objectionable taste that John and Stephen were able to overcome using only natural organic fruit juices. It is necessary to harvest Noni fruit at the correct stage of maturity in order to maintain the quality of the juice.

The Mission

As stated, Morinda, Inc. was established for the sole purpose of bringing TAHITIAN NONI® juice to the world. Morinda is dedicated to allowing everyone who is earnestly seeking to promote health and a happier lifestyle, to have access to 100% authentic TAHITIAN NONI® juice . This product will eventually help millions enjoy financial health.

Founding Principles

* Honesty and Integrity
We will do our very best to infuse honesty and integrity into every business relationship.
* Fair Treatment of All Individuals
Distributors, Employees, and Vendors will be treated fairly. We will avoid making deals with one that we are not willing to offer to all.
* Strong Leadership
We may make mistakes along the way, and when we do we will correct them as quickly as possible.
* Commitment to Honorable, Frugal Business Practices
Practices that will allow the opportunity to exist far beyond our current reach.
* Commitment to Offering the Finest Distributor Support of any company
* Open-Mindedness
Valuable input comes from many different places, we recognize the importance of keeping an open mind and a thankful attitude.
* Hard Work
We believe that their is wisdom in the old saying, The harder I work, the luckier I get. Good, honest hard work will be one of the key ingredients for our success.
* Gratitude
We understand that the product we offer was made by God, not us. We gratefully approach the task of bringing the product to people everywhere.

TAHITIAN NONI®, Morinda ® are trademarks of Morinda, Inc. Noni Opportunity is a Tahitian Noni International Independent Distributor.

Management Team

Board of Directors:
Board members are the most influent people with over 30 years of experience (Kelly Olsen, Kim Asay and Kerry Asay) of the United States in Network Marketing (Direct Sales Business). Two of them, John Wadsworth and Stephen Story, are Scientists in Nutrition Food Industry, also who are researched and gave a unique formula for Tahitian Noni Juice and some other related products.

Link to Corporate Leadership:

Business Q and Challenge $100,000

In 2004, Tahitian Noni International is voted by Business Q Magazine in Utah State to be 1 of the 3 best network marketing companies of every body to work for as a family company. In 2006 on Tenth Anniversary, Kelly Olsen, President of Tahitian Noni International gave a challenge to everyone over the world that “If you can find any other network marketing company, in private or public, that can exceed our 10-year achievements, we’ll pay you $100,000!” Until now, not yet anyone can find any other private or public network marketing company that can conquer this challenge.

Recognition of Qualified Leaders

Here below are four people in a Fouders Club, which is a club for distributors who have qualified as Pearl leaders within the designated qualification dates after Tahitian Noni International enters in Brazil market. Founders will recieve a Founder Pin with a valuable gift from TNI. These Founders are also a Top Leaders of Brazilian Group, which is the best network marketing's group in Brazil.

Tahitian Noni's Product Lines

Excellent products, globally recognized.

Excellent market positioning, unprecedented growth and an unwavering dedication to the future make Tahitian Noni International (TNI) the opportunity of a lifetime. TNI’s compelling product line is garnering major brand recognition and exposure and it’s throwing open doors for serious business builders.

No one knows noni better: Tahitian Noni International was the first, undertakes the most research and continues to dominate the international noni market.

Right product, right industry at the right time: "By the year 2010, the wellness industry will reach one trillion dollars. It will exceed any other industry on the horizon, including the internet and the stock market." – Paul Zane Pilzer, world renowned economist, author of the Wellness Revolution.

Phenomenal growth: With annual sales reaching over half a billion dollars in less than a decade, our history is one of record setting growth. That nonstop sales pace continues: April 2005 was the highest sales month in company history!

Access Marketing: Tahitian Noni International (TNI) is redefining network marketing. Tahitian Noni® Cafes, movie productions like The Legend of Johnny Lingo feature length movie, e-commerce, direct mail, sales offices and more are just a few ways TNI is accessing markets. These in turn result in greater bonus pools for distributors.

Unsurpassed quality: Everything from harvesting techniques to product formulation is completely proprietary. TNI carefully administers the entire process, from the tree to the bottle.

Patents and upcoming patents: Tahitian Noni International has patents on noni fiber in animal products, noni leaf serum, noni seed oil, with patents pending on countless other core ingredients and processes.

Environmental: TNI is careful to leave the source islands of Tahiti Nui in their original, unspoiled state. No chemicals or pesticides are ever used and the noni fruit is a renewable resource.

Brand loyalty: Repeat order rate is exceptional, TAHITIAN NONI® Juice is quickly becoming one of the dominant brands of healthy beverages in the world.

Ongoing research: Tahitian Noni International own the exclusive lab in the world devoted to the study of the noni fruit.

World experts: Distinguished Morinda citrifolia experts Dr. Ralph Heinicke and Dr. Anne Hirazumi-Kim endorse only TAHITIAN NONI® Juice.

Seamless recruiting: Because TNI’s compensation plan is the same worldwide, you can build your downline wherever you choose!

Growth: When Tahitian Noni International began selling Tahitian Noni® Juice noni was unheard of. Sales hit nearly $400 million in the next 5 years. That’s a growth rate of 6,000%! No other company has ever excelled to success as quickly as Tahitian Noni International.

Since the first bottle was produced, people worldwide have been requesting this extraordinary juice. Only a genuine product that helps people could maintain such a strong market position over such a continued period of time. And this is just the start!


Nature's much smarter than we are. She surrounds her vitamins in wonderfully rich whole food complexes, supplying enzymes, activators, and bioflavonoids that actually help your body absorb and use those vitamins better. You won't find those vital co-factors in stripped-down, lab-manufactured synthetic vitamins. But you will find them in Tahitian Noni NatureBorn™. So do the one good thing to protect your health.

Go natural™.

Why NatureBorn™ Works
In order for a supplement to benefit the body, each must be formulated for natural assimilation. Tahitian Noni NatureBorn has been formulated for optimal bioavailability. Natural plant ingredients and chelated minerals are used above synthetic and less available cheaper alternates.

Most supplement products use ingredients that are difficult for the body to process. If the ingredient cannot be assimilated by the body, it is purged from the body with no derived benefit.

Dr. Heinicke determined that this new supplement product would focus on three significant supplement characteristics:

* Ingredient sources
* Formula
* Bioavailability

Additionally, before any lab work began, Dr. Heinicke also established certain uncompromising attributes:

1. Natural. Simply no synthetic vitamins—no preservatives, no artificial colors, no binders. The source of vitamins, phytonutrients, and important plant co-factors must be natural.
2. 100% animal free. No animal source for any ingredient. Even the capsule material must be plant based, not gelatin or animal based.
3. 100% vegetarian formula. The pure goodness of powerful, whole super foods (fruits and vegetables).
4. Tahitian Noni blend. Giving you the crossover benefits of noni.

The Plant sterols in NatureBorn may lower cholesterol in as little as four weeks.

Who is the man behind the development of NatureBorn?

World famous nutritional researcher Dr. Ralph Heinicke formulated NatureBorn. Dr. Heinicke wanted to create the perfect companion product to Tahitian Noni Juice. Dr. Heinicke is a scientist who is a key player in the development of noni and has spent most of his life studying noni and the nature of its healthful propertie3s. He is best known for his pioneering research on enzymes found in plants and fruits while conducting research for the Dole Pineapple Company, the Pineapple Research Institute, and the University of Hawaii.

What is Dr. Heinicke doing today? Dr. Heinicke works directly with Tahitian Noni International's lab to continue the research he began over 40 years ago. "Tahitian Noni International's exclusive processing method ensure that the healthful properties of noni are preserved to the end product. I believe Tahitian Noni Juice and Tahitian Noni products to be the best available; they are the only noni products I recommend and endorse," affirms Dr. Heinicke.

NatureBorn™ Ingredients

Contents: 120 Capsules

Daily Recommendation: 4 capsules (30 day supply)

IngredientAmount% DV
Vitamin A (from natural beta carotene)5000 IU100%
Vitamin C (from acerola cherry) 60 mg100%
Vitamin D (from ergocalciferol)400 IU100%
Vitamin E (from d-alpha tocopheryl succinate) 30 IU100%
Thiamin* 1.5 mg100%
Riboflavin*1.7 mg100%
Niacin*20 mg100%
Vitamin B6*2 mg100%
Folic Acid*400 mcg100%
Vitamin B12*6 mcg100%
Biotin*300 mcg100%
Pantothenic Acid*10 mg100%
Calcium (from calcium carbonate and dicalcium phosphate)250 mg26%
Iodine (from kelp)80 mcg54%
Magnesium (from magnesium oxide)125 mg32%
Zinc (from zinc chelate) 15 mg100%
Selenium (from selenium chelate)70 mcg100%
Copper (from copper gluconate)2 mg100%
Manganese (from manganese chelate) 2 mg100%
Chromium (from chromium chelate) 120 mcg100%
Molybdenum (from molybdenum chelate)75 mcg100%
Proprietary Organic Super Sprout Blend 40 mg
Organic Daikon Radish (Root)

Organic Kale (Leaf)

Organic Broccoli (Florets)

Organic Cabbage (Leaf)

Organic Super Fruit Blend (Proprietary) 20 mg
Organic Wild Bilberry (Berry)

Organic Wild Lingonberry (Berry)

Organic Black Currant (Berry)

Organic Aronia (Berry)

Organic Pomegranate (Fruit)

Organic Wild Blueberry (Berry)

Organic Concord Grape (Fruit)

Organic Sour Cherry (Fruit)

Organic Wild Elderberry (Berry)

Organic Wild Cranberry (Berry)

Organic Red Raspberry (Berry)

Organic Black Raspberry (Berry)

Tahitian Noni Antioxidant Blend (Proprietary)100 mg
Morinda citrifolia (Noni) Leaf

Morinda citrifolia (Noni) Fruit

Proprietary Heart Health Blend830 mg
Plant Phytosterols


Garlic (Bulb)

Silica28 mg

* Tahitian Noni Complexed Nutrients are grown naturally in a whole-food medium where they are cultured in probiotics (healthy flora) and naturally transformed into whole-food complexes that are easily recognized and absorbed by the body.

†Daily Value (DV) not established

Other Ingredients:

Vegetable Capsules, Microcrystalline Cellulose (derived from plants), Malto-Dextrin (derived from plants), Saccharomyces Cervisiae Yeast, Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Bifidobacterium Bifidum.

Suggested Use: Best when two capsules are taken twice daily. For additional heart health benefits, take two capsules with two ounces of TAHITIAN NONI® Juice twice daily.

Benefit and Success Path

Why TNI can growth fast and soon became the fourth fastest growing company in the United States is because of TNI give away the business strategy, which can make all Distributors earn alot of money by 53% of all commissionable volume is paid back to distributors. And TNI has also produced over 400 millionaires over the world.

Here below are 5 ways to earn money with TNI:

1- Retail Profits (Retail price selling - Whole price buying)
2- Personal Rebates (20% off
for personal buying)
3- Fast Start Bonus (Up to 45% through 5 Levels)
4- Unilevel (Up to 45% through 8 Levels)
5- Bonus Pool (Up to 8% of Global Sales)

Beside these, all Distributors have a chance for traveling to the rest of the world with free of charge by saving the ASQV4 points after you get the title of Jade or above. 10 Steps to the top with TNI Success Path will show you how much ASQV4 points that you have to earn and where you will go to with that points.

Link to Compensation Plan:

Success Path: 10 Steps To The Top
Success Path consists of 10 steps. Each step is strategically designed to provide training, allowing
distributors to progress to the next level of success as defined by the Tahitian Noni International compensation plan.

Yes. Of course! I alway agree with this phrase: “Nothing Motivates Like Success”

Success Path Travel and Qualifying Points for 2009: (NEW!!)
Easy to get qualification for Jade Camp,

Pearl Camp, Vision Retreat and Diamond Pearl Camp.
(See the Success Path 2008 above for more details)

Success Path™ Training

Pearl Camp. Is a Success Path Step 4 of 10 to the Top. A week-longtraining held annually at the TNI Corporate Headquarters in Provo, Utah- United States of America. Pearl Camp benefits include travel, lodging and food package for two for all qualified distributorships. From 2008, all qualified distributors can attend this Camp twice at TNI Corporate Headquarter in Provo of Utah. (See Success Path 2008 for more details).

We followed the Success Path system. We not have any close upline nearby. We did not have the company headquarters in our back yard. We did not have much in the way of promotional materials. But what we did have was excitement from people who wanted to succeed with the Success Path systemand it worked. Network Marketing success is more likely if you use Success Path!

Tahitian Noni International Independent Product Consultant now have access to the Success Path™ training program globally.

The promise of Network Marketing is rewarding personal effort. To become a successful IPC, you will have to learn some new skills and change some of your thinking about business relationships, selling products and customer service. The Success Path program is designed and specifically implemented to effectively focus your efforts on the business and team building skills to become successful.

The Success Path training program was implemented in July 2004. Today it consists of 10 sequential training steps that every Independent Product Consultant can use to increase their skills and focus their efforts towards success. The first three steps lay the foundation you will need to launch into the business on a full time basis.

  • Fast Start Camp - A basic (2 hours) training session about the TNI company and the compensation plan to help you get on the road to success.
  • Coral Camp - An advanced (8 hours) training session that helps you focus on personally sponsoring more IPCs and the eventual increase of your monthly sales volume.
  • Jade Camp - A targeted training (a weekend) to help you grow beyond your initial group and help others also become successful and begin to transition to full time involvement in your noni business.

To join the Tahitian Noni International simply purchase a Starter / starter kit and a Case Of TAHITIAN NONI® Juice today. By ordering the Best Buy item on our website you will be subscribed to the Case Autoship program and you will immediately qualify to attend a Fast Start Camp training session.

The next three Success Path™ steps are targeted at expanding your growing business into a la business.

  • Pearl Camp - Pearl Camp is a reward that every IPC should aspire to on their way to becoming a full time IPC. This is an all expenses paid trip for two to TNI Corporate Headquarters in Provo, Utah. Pearl Camp is a special training session that will increase your vision at the Home Office Campus in Provo, Utah. You will meet and socialize with the five Founders of the TNI Company and receive intensive training from the TNI top corporate trainers and most successful IPC.
  • Vision Retreat - Once a year, Tahitian Noni International will award top achievers with an invitation to the annual Vision Retreat. This is a special lifestyle event held in different parts of the world each year. Your hotel, activities and most meals are completely paid for you and your partner.
  • Diamond Pearl/Outrigger - Once each year, TNI will host a special event in Tahiti for this Success Path™ camp. This will be an 8 day, 7 nights all expense paid trip for 2 to Tahiti and Moorea in French Polynesia.

It will help solidify you in the TNI Family while receiving extensive global business building training. The final four camps are to help a IPC transition from being the trainer of IPC to becoming the trainer of trainers in order to set their business on a permanent growth path.

  • Black Pearl Club - Black Pearl IPCs will receive the experience of a lifetime, an all expenses paid luxury experience to French Polynesia. This event includes activities in Tahiti and a week long luxury cruise throughout the surronding south pacific islands.
  • Million Dollar Club - You join this club of over 300 people who have earned over 1 million dollars since they started their TNI business. A select group indeed but there is more!
  • Club Marquesas - Achieving this ninth level will allow you to participate in a special trip retracing the travels of John Wadsworth through the islands of French Polynesia culminating in the Marquesas Islands as he personaly recounts how TAHITIAN NONI Juice was discovered.
  • Global Executive - Once you get to this level you can go anywhere and do almost anything you can imagine to help build the TNI family bigger.

The Success Path training and personal development program is explained in great detail in the starter kit that every new IPC receives when they join as an Independent Product Consultant with Tahitian Noni International

Diamond Pearl Camp / Outrigger Club

Is a Success Path Step 6 of 10. A week long event held annually in Tahiti. Benefits include travel, lodging and food packages for two. Please see Success Path Qualifications for this specific Camp. From 2008, all qualified distributors can attend this Camp twice. (See Success Path 2008 for more details)

Here is what other
people had to say about their trips to Tahiti and Other countries:
- Everyone treated us like royalty.

- It's more tha
n just a vacation.
- Everything was beyond our imagination.

- Asolutely breathtaking.

- Awe inspirin
g pristine beauty.



Posted by Gino Mastrillo

Friday, April 3, 2009

Special Training Camp

Jade Seminar and Pearl Camp

Special Training Camp in a different exotic location, especially at the beach, because they always do a camp-fire at night after trained in order to take path experience exchange with other work groups. At each Training Camp, they also congratulated to who just got new titles within the last three months. During the camp-fire, they reproduce the history of Tahitian People when have arrived French Polynesia Islands and Noni researching of John Wadsworth in Tahiti Island in 1993. They also play a lot fun games.

Jade Seminar

Jade Seminar Costão do Santinho - Florianópolis-SC-Brazil

Costão do Santinho Beach

I along with Kim Assay, Founder of Tahitian Noni International

Wanderson Braga (Pearl) - in NYC
My Upline

My sponsor Walter Junior (Pearl)
next to the founder Kelly Olsen
Tahitian Noni International